Oui, le all-in offre plus de classes (6 de plus, 1 par couleur) et plus de spécialisations (12) mais c’est une sorte de 1e édition. L’extension Calbria (qui regroupe les 3 battle box) est basée sur une « 2e édition ». Les 2 sont parfaitement compatibles mais il y a quand même des différences trop importantes pour moi qui aime les jeux homogènes.
Il y a un bon résumé des changements dans le Q&A de la page KS mais voici les 2 réponses les plus intéressantes sur ce sujet :
Is this product compatible with my other Ivion cards?
Yes—it is the same game and has the same rules. There are some general rules updates which can be read here: https://www.playivion.com/forum/design-conquer/dev-diary-rules-changes
However, the graphic design has been changed significantly. This includes a change to the card back, which means that it may be preferable to sleeve decks that contain cards from Winterstorm and the new Battle Boxes.
This was not a decision made lightly, but we are very happy with the new format and have no plans to alter it in any further, systemic ways.
What is the difference between the first product and the new products?
There are some fairly minor gameplay changes, but all boxes are gameplay compatible with one another. Most of the changes are aesthetic:
• New graphic design on the front and back of cards!
• Includes finely crafted miniatures for each character instead of cardboard standees
• Now comes with a four-fold board with space for your tokens, cards, and miniatures
• Each character has a ‹ health tracker ›, a custom board that slots into the game board to keep track of your character’s status
• Streamlined guides separated into a Learn to Play and Rules Reference respectively
• Tokens instead of dice for keeping track of resources, control, and other effects
• Gametrayz for storing your cards and other pieces in a nifty container
• Multiple deck lists per character for trying out new gameplay styles
The one new, major improvement to game play accessibility is the Herocrafting system, described above. Winterstorm characters do not currently have Herocrafting functionality.
La question a été posée et répondue, oui, ils aimeraient remettre le set Winterstorm en conformité avec ce nouveau format « 2e édition » mais ça dépendra de leur réussite avec cette campagne et ce sera pour plus tard, ils ne peuvent pas le proposer pour le moment.