This officially licensed Programme consists of a core book featuring an original rules-lite gaming system; guidance on designing adventures; character creation, bestiary, retinue, and NPC sections; tables for generating all sorts of things; and ready-to-run adventures. There is also a madcap, backgammon-based minigame that involves dice catapults and farm animals, called Fetchez la Vache.
Exalted Funeral, with Crowbar Creative, has shared a sneak peek preview of the Monty Python roleplaying game.
The official game is coming to Kickstarter next week. It’ll be big as there are already 11,297 people following the campaign who will get an alert when it launches.
It’s not a case of “if” there are early birds, as there will be a free “Head of Light Entertainment Sash” for anyone who backs in the first 48. However, a sell-out is on the cards if there are additional number-limited tiers, such as deluxe versions.
There are going to be at least four different versions we know about;
Bloody Peasant Edition
Sensible Middle Class Edition
Public School Edition
Upper Class Twit Bundle
The RPG was announced in September, with the creative team asking Why not?.
The RPG announced a GM screen (a Head of Light Entertainment Screen) and custom dice. The dice have been previewed and the iconic Monty Python squishing foot is an icon.
It’s not all been good news for Python fans this week, as it’s been revealed that 82-year-old John Cleese has accepted a show at the hate-filled GB news. However, he also admitted he didn’t know who they were and was told they’re a free speech channel.
It’s hard to imagine Python-era Cleese having anything but contempt for the dangerous broadcaster. It’s unlikely that the disappointment around the comedian will hit the Kickstarter’s success too severely, but it’s certainly made this geek undecided.
Les Monty Python autrement qu’en anglois, sérieusement ?
Je crois que les comprendre a été ma motivation première pour apprendre l’anglais (ça et une pile de la honte de livres de JdR…)
En effet, je découvre ça à l’instant, j’ai clairement soirée sous estimé le pouvoir attractif / magique des Monty pour ce type de projet… et dans le contexte actuel où je vois pas mal de KS qui ont du mal à décoller ou sont annulés.
Bravo à eux !
Est-ce que j’y vais de mon côté, faut vraiment que je regarde de plus près, mais je me contenterai sans doute du pledge paysan
C’est clair qu’on est là pour l’objet, je ne pense pas qu’il possible d’y jouer et de goûter à cet univers à moins d’y jouer en VO pendant la partie, j’en suis pour le LDB et l’écran et je vais certainement prendre un set de dés en supplément, car, ben, les dés quoi…
Ça me fait penser au JDR du disque monde, on a fait une partie mais franchement sans connaître l’univers et sans goûter les références, c’est juste pour la collection.