“Olo : transformer un téléphone en imprimante 3D” - Fin le 20 avril 2017

J’avais raté… non mais de mémoire la vague 1 c’était genre 5 ou 10 imprimantes… oublie on les auras jamais, là c’est comme qui dirait fini :slight_smile:

Bon bah finalement c’est à nouveau la mort cérébrale après leur campagne pour récupérer plus d’argent (c’était quand même culotté).

En fait, le coup d’expédier quelques protos, me semble que c’est pour éviter de passer pour « scam » auprès de KS : t’as fait une campagne, t’as eu des soucis et t’as livré 2-3 machins vaut mieux que rien livrer du tout.

En tout cas, c’est un cas de figure que j’ai beaucoup vu sur de nombreux KS d’objets high tech. J’ai lu je sais plus où que ça permet d’éviter les actions en justice. (pas certain de bien me rappeler, cela dit)

Le KS du drone anglais qui s’etait Même retrouvé en vente sur Amazon alors qu’une poignée de livré aux backers ? Histoire de financer, soi-disant, la fab du reste…

Allez je relance 4 mois apres

Ou la glaciere : soit vous payez 100 balles, soit a chaque fois qu’on en vend une sur Amazon on en livre une a un backer (je sais pas comment ca a fini ca…)

Bon bah voilà (enfin je n’attendais rien, je suis même plutôt surpris de recevoir des news).

The End (for now)

Posted by OLO 3D Inc.

Jul 4, 2021

View on Kickstarter
#### For backers only
Dear backers,

dear patient supporters and angry detractors,

dear tech lovers and weird ideas freaks,

dear creatives, dear students, dear friends and dear haters,

We invented a new printing technology 5 years ago and created a wonderful product together with our team. Thanks to all of you we have collected the interest and the financial support of a huge community from 52 different countries. We have worked like crazy with dozens of people to make this project real, we faced unexpected complexities, unfaithful suppliers, consultants who took advantage of it …and obviously made several mistakes, like so many other projects.

I personally made the biggest mistake giving the management and control of the US funds to the wrong person and for this we respond morally to all of you, but despite all that, two of us struggled to the end with our own resources to avoid disaster, saving peoples’ jobs and recover from this nightmare.

After a long absence and an incomprehensible but inevitable silence due to legal issues, I managed to got rid of the CEO and partner, take back 100% of his shares of the company, close the pendings with suppliers for almost usd 600+K out of my own pocket. So I have saved several jobs, paid off tax debts and secured all of the merchandise.

The tragedy is that ONO is now a bankrupcy safe but resourceless company, with a warehouse in China full of components, about 5K ready-made printers, and a monthly server and warehouse costs that we can no longer afford without a perspective.

The ONO project and related patents are now yours, all the supporters, and I have therefore decided to release them to open source: for anyone of you who has interests, energies and resources for the ONO future and the Direct Display Daylight 3D Technology is more than welcome to this technology by writing a proposal at: info@ono3d.net

To All of You, for your trust, for your criticisms and advice, for your help to elevate an idea to a product, and to give us such a challenging opportunity: THANK YOU.

(for now) This is The End.

Filippo and the ONO Team.

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