Tainted Grail: Kings of Ruin - par Awaken Realms - Late Pledge ouvert

Na nan ^^ On se demandait si dans le PDF il y allait avoir tout le journal ou seulement les modif.

Car ça serait plus simple de voir les modif sans avoir à se taper tout le journal en comparant les deux ^^

2 « J'aime »

Ahhh ok sorry :sweat_smile:

1 « J'aime »

Après je me demande j’ai pas encore trop regardé pour le Kings of ruin pour le gameplay en détail mais petite question globale :

Le système de combat / diplomatie, autant il paraît unique et sympathique de prime abord, autant je sais pas si il n’est pas « lourd » à gérer (pas aussi simple et rapide qu’un jet de dés quoi), avec par exemple 3 personnes.

Les waystone qui remplace le menhir et la disparition du cout de l’exploration semblent de prime abord annihiler le côté « survie » ou gestion du temps, ce qui est un poil dommage. J’ai raté quelque chose ?

Pour ma part j’ai compris que c’était les livres complets.

J’imagine mal avoir le livre et un pdf de modification à côté. Donc la version numérique, c’est le nouveau livre en un seul PDF (et rien n’empêche de produit un doc qui résume les changements mais c’est tellement ingérable pour un jeu fluide, sans compter le spoil éventuel).

Il ferme quand déjà le PM ?

Bah moi je comprend que sur la page GF du projet c’était bien les journaux MAJ en pdf et là ils disent que ce sont les modif dans un pdf ^^
@julien-bourdin j’imagine que tout le journal n’a pas été modifié donc pour moi ce ne serait pas déconnant de n’avoir que les chapitres modifiés, pas que la phrase mais bien tout le numéro de chapitre en fait.

Bon j’ai trouvé l’info, pas de date annoncée encore

How long will the PM be open?

The Pledge Manager is going to be open for minimum 2-3 months. However, there is no exact date set yet. We will inform you in advance before the closing of the pledge manager.

After it closes, you will only be able to change your shipping address, and you may no longer edit your pledge.

2 « J'aime »

il ont communiqué sur la date de disponibilité des livres d’exploration en français dans l’app ? Et surtout s’ils y seraient disponible en v2 ?

Dans la mesure où ils vont envoyer à l’impression des documents entiers, ça ne leur demande rien de plus de fournir des PDF du livre entier et ça serait bien plus pratique selon moi. (devoir vérifier à chaque chapitre s’il y a une entrée dans le pdf, c’est pas du tout pratique selon moi).

Bref, on verra bien, sachant que j’ai pris les bouquins papier de toute façon ^^

2 « J'aime »

Ils annoncent toujours 2-3 mois mais ça dure bien plus longtemps.
Lords of Ragnarok a dû être ouvert au moins 6 mois et Tamashii on doit être dans le même ordre d’idée et la date de fin n’est toujours pas annoncé.
Ce qui m’arrange histoire d’étaler les dépenses :sweat_smile:

2 « J'aime »

Alors oui c’est plus long qu’un jet de dés ; mais c’est moins pénible de jouer et combiner X cartes que de faire jet sur jet. Et plus thématique ! Les combinaisons de cartes sont très jeuderolesques. Un régal.

Pour ce qui me concerne, on a joué à deux et pas encore fait les autres campagnes que la boîte de base. Mais ce sera avec grand’joie ; moi ce que je préfère, c’est l’aventure ; ce que préfère mon fils, c’est la mécanique des cartes justement.

4 « J'aime »

Pour l’exploitation le coût peu être décalé dans l’exploration.
Aujourd’hui tu dépenses puis tu explores et parfois tu il faut payer ou perdre de l’énergie pendant l’exploration.
Demain tu auras peut-être toujours la dépense pendant l’exploration dès que c’est un peu gros comme contenu.

Enfin j’espère, car sinon toute l’idée de temporalité est perdue.

J’ai pas tout compris, il n’y aura plus de coût d’exploration pour pouvoir lire l’entrée du journal c’est ça ?


Une question sur le Pledge Manager : j’avais pris la core box lors de la campagne, j’ai donc la chèvre. Maintenant je veux upgrader mon pledge, mais quand j’ajoute mon nouveau choix, il se met en plus de l’ancien pledge de la campagne.

Comment je fais pour upgrader mon pledge et pas en rajouter un autre ? Tout ça en gardant la chèvre gratuite évidemment :smiley:


Rajoutes le pledge que tu veux et vires le pledge précédant, la chèvre est à part normalement donc tu la conservera :slight_smile:

1 « J'aime »

merci !

Voici l’update du jour: les montures sont trop trop belles :star_struck:


24/03/2023 17:00

Development update #3 / External tests sum-up / Check out the Mounted Heros miniatures!

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Check out our summary of the Kings of Ruin External tests! We also present the top-notch miniature from the Kings of Ruin: Mounted Heroes add-on!

Well met, Travelers!

After almost a month after the opening of the Pledge Manager, we are back with a brand new development update! Today we want to introduce you to the results of the external tests we ran in February and March. And we think that the outcome is quite interesting, so we invite you to dive deep into this update! :slight_smile:

Miniatures of The Kings of Ruin Mounted Heroes!

But before we start talking about the external test results, we got one special treat for you, Travelers! Last month during the opening of the PM, we announced that we are adding a purely cosmetic add-on that does NOT add any gameplay value to the Kings of Ruin experience, namely The Kings of Ruin Mounted Heroes. With exquisite attention to detail, our talented 3d sculptors have designed eight stunning mounted character models that will take your game to new heights. These purely cosmetic add-ons don’t add any gameplay value, but they are sure to bring more presence and variety to your gaming table. Below you can find the renders of those beauties!

Please remember that Kings of Ruin: Mounted Heroes includes no additional gameplay or rules. Provided models may be used instead of a default character model at any point of the game, bringing more presence and variety to your table.

Choose from two versions of Mounted Heroes: the classic grey or the prepainted with Sundrop. Either way, you’ll have the perfect addition to your Kings of Ruin collection.

If interested, just click the picture below and go straight to the product description!

PLEASE NOTE that since KoR: Mounted Heros add-on has been introduced during the opening of the Pledge Manager, it is NOT a part of any all-in pledge available during the crowdfunding campaign. Also, GF does not allow changing the description of pledges from the campaign stage, so the One True King Pledge description may be misleading as it states that it includes all available items. If you want to receive this add-on, manually add it to your pledge.

Community Test Results & Fun Facts

And now time for the icing on the cake of today’s update!

Our large Kings of Ruin community test is now over, and we’ve just finished discussing all the feedback and test form data.

First of all, we’d like to thank everyone who participated in testing. The involvement of our groups was incredible this time around! Although we sent more copies than in our previous community tests, not a single group failed to provide feedback, and the vast majority completed all tested content. So, if any of our community testers are reading this, thank you for your dedication!

We’re pleased with the results themselves. Nearly all players found Kings of Ruin to be a marked improvement over previous Tainted Grail campaigns, with the new Waystone mechanic, Wyrdness location sides, the Kings of Ruin characters, and the re-worked Diplomacy system being the most liked changes. The story also got higher marks than in the original game. But what surprised us was that even in its rough, incomplete form, many of you rated Kings of Ruin higher than our other story-based games!

However, saying that the test build was perfect and needs no further work would be a stretch, as those who played it will undoubtedly confirm. We’ve gathered a long (though expected) list of bugs or issues, and even longer spreadsheets of numeric data that will help us prepare the final balance of the campaign - since as pleasant as the test build was, its balance was rough in places.

The tests also identified parts of the game where we can improve the experience with modest investment of development time, which we plan to do. Some assorted examples of the scope of this work:

  • At the moment, one chapter is rated lower than the others. We have a good understanding as to why, and we’re already developing a fix.
  • While Guardians were overall more present than in previous campaigns, data showed they are still underutilized in some chapters. We’re addressing that.
  • Some of the available skills were rated as too weak, or lacking excitement. We will be working on some skill remakes and replacements.
  • One Location proved to be quite a slog for players. We’re reworking it from grounds-up.
  • While the WIP rulebook was rated well, we also know of some specific rules & paragraphs that players found a bit hard to grasp. They will be rewritten.
  • …and many other similar tasks :slight_smile:

As you can see, while tests confirmed that Kings of Ruin already plays better than previous Tainted Grail installments, we have a clear path to bring it up a further notch or two.

Overall, there are months of very intensive work ahead of us. But don’t take this as a veiled delay announcement. This scope of fixes was expected, and we’re currently still on schedule outlined in the campaign.

As far as the playtime goes, the test comprised roughly half of the game without several Stretch Goals. The fastest group, focused on the main story, finished this part in approximately 15 hours. Most groups crossed the 20+ hours mark, and those devoted to turning every stone and looking into every nook and cranny spent almost 40 hours playing this half of the game.

With this new data, we estimate playthroughs of full Kings of Ruin campaign will end up in the +30h-70h range. So, if you were afraid that Kings of Ruin will be less substantial experience than previous Tainted Grail campaigns, you don’t have to be. While the main story will be completable in a shorter time than in some previous campaigns (as planned), those who like to explore and pursue side stories will still be able to spend many, many hours in the lands of Western Avalon, in just a single playthrough.

And now, for some other interesting bits:

  • The most often played Character was Elgan, followed by Osbert, Iunis, and Gerdwyn.
  • 40% of our players chose to become Loyal Kingseekers. 60% went down a rebellious path.
  • The highest-rated part of the game was Story & Exploration. The lowest, though still decent, were the Companions (which does not surprise us, as stretch goals such as them were still in a rough, basic form in the test build).
  • When it came to the final confrontation with Claudyne the Unknighted, 62% of players chose the path of Diplomacy, while 38% let their weapons do the talking.

Finally, we have some heart-wrenching pictures for you. Per our new policy, we asked our players to destroy the demo after their playthrough. Here are some of the creative ways in which the test copies of Kings of Ruin ended their life:

Once again, big thanks to all our testers. Next stop: tests of the entire campaign, which should begin in May!

Clear trails!

12 « J'aime »

Le crabe !!! :star_struck:

Ça donne envie … même si c’est tellement inutile et que ce sera moins beau une fois moulé.

Et je sens bien plein d’endroits où à la peinture ce sera "mais c’est quoi ça? "

1 « J'aime »