Tamashii: Chronicle of Ascend (ex-Gaijin) - par Awaken Realms Lite - livraison mai 2023

Je n’ai pas vu le live de Marcin lundi mais il me semble qu’il est repoussé à plus tard (Septembre?) étant donné qu’ils vont faire avant le GF de Platformer (là aussi chez ARLite) d’ici peu.

Ils ont tellement l’air perdu avec ce jeu… On va bientôt avoir 1 an de retard sur le lancement du KS lol

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C’est sûr que c’est vachement rassurant… :crazy_face:

En même temps, on peut lui reconnaître un vrai point fort, à ce projet… c’est plein de rose. :grin:

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Bah c’est pas forcément une mauvaise chose.
On reproche souvent de lancer trop de trucs en parallèle. Là au moins ils temporisent.

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Message de Kamil sur le développement de Gaijin

Knockdown is done, that’s why our developers and testers are working on Gaijin right now. Anyway, before we will start with open tests, I will have for you some fresh details about the game and new artworks. So let’s start with new temple’s location!

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En tous cas cest magnifique !

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Le jeu The Great Wall contient un petit livret pour Gaijin. Si vous voulez en savoir plus. Attention, spoiler inclus tout ça.

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Nouvelle illu postée sur Facebook et la confirmation que Gaijin serait toujours bien planifié pour cette année

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C’est un comic book a la Cmon qu’ils nous font ou un jeu ? Parce qu’à force… :grin:

Un joli comic book je trouve :wink:

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Nouvelle illustration publiée, avec la promesse que si tout ce passe bien, la semaine prochaine nous aurions droit à une description du gameplay

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Ennnn-fin !

Kamil en a dit un peu plus notamment à propos d’une version demo TTS

Right now we are closing the gameplay, after that step, we will start playtesting and creating layouts for cards and so on […] About playtesting, I have a plan to create a TTS demo (unpublished) and play with a few people from this group.

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Naaaaaaaaaan sans déc’? Il existe ? :grin:

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Faut bien des stretch goal pour ce futur KS d’artbook, y’a pas que les jeux qui ont droit à ça !

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Dernière news et quelques détails révélés…

Hello. Next week is comming and we have a new version of the game - but still, we need more time for playtesting before we will make closed tests with you :wink: but even if the gameplay is not closed yet, we can tell you more about implemented solutions.

In the Gaijin, there will be 3 level of enemies. The first level is annoying to fight with, there are drones, scouts, network-noise machines and similar mecha-creatures. They are annying, but without combat skills.

Second level is reserved for the deadly robots, which are made in one purpose - hunt and kill people. At the begining of each game you are not able to deal with them, and even later - you need to prepare yourself for that fight.

The third, and the last level is reserved for the strongest one. There, each enemy is nearby impossible to kill alone, and without allies you are not able to do anything. But if something will go wrok, will your allies stay with you, or leave you for certain death?

About the gameplay, in each scenario’s card there is a information about enemies you will face in that adventure, but there are always more AI (enemies) in the deck that is neccecery for the gameplay - that means, you are never sure what you will meet on your path.

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Boom ! Les dernières news … et le proto en photo


Creating unique games takes time, sometimes much more than we thought it will. Anyway, the Gaijin’s demo is nearby done, we have made a full gameplay experience with the very first scenario. As always we will finish it after the GamesFound’s campaign after we will receive your feedback - so keep in mind this is not a 100% done title.

Now, I can write something more about gameplay. Firstly, after many, many tests we decided to remove the common Network Map and give each player their own bag with Hack Tokens, and a Network Map as well. So in general, the game takes place in two worlds - cybernetic and physical ones. During a game, you will solve your little puzzle to get rewards: launch powerful viruses or activate new chips or bodies, or do many many different things on a board. This means that you will be able to gain new bodies during the game as well as add new upgrades to them. Upgrading your characters come in the three different way - you may get a new body, you may get new upgrades and you improve your bag with Hack Tokens. Moving forward. There is a « fear in the air » and a danger that Ascent will catch you. You have to remember - you are Gaijin in this new world. That’s why there is a strong fighting aspect of the game, you may go and try to hunt Ai instead of being hunted, or specialize in avoiding combat. Or you can try to be the best hacker in the game and break the AI time after time, moving them around and doing crazy stuff.

The title is scenario-based, so one time you can play a cooperative adventure with your friends, and other times try a competitive one. Each scenario has a unique set-up, adventure deck with a few paths, so even playing the same scenario 2-3 times will give you a different feeling.

On the photo below you can see our prototype, layouts are under progress, as well as minis or AI tokens :wink: We are going to improve it in the next few days.

Meanwhile, next Monday and Tuesday we will make open tests in Wrocław and collect players’ feedback. After that, we will think about and post the campaign date.

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Y a des éléments qui piquent bien les yeux

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Ah tu t’es trompé de topic, voidfall c’est à côté :scream::scream:

Vache c’est fluo là, ça brille dans la nuit ?

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Si au pire t’aime pas le jeu t’accroche les tuiles à ton vélo, protection garantie

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