The Dark Quarter - par Lucky Duck Games / Van Ryder Games - Livraison octobre 2023

Dans ma niche, Destinies et CoC 2400 sont repartis aussi vites qu’ils sont arrivés (les déménagements aident au destokage).
Le manque de fond nous a fait fuir : ce n’est pas sons d’ambiance et figurines qui permettent de plonger dans un univers et le système de caractéristique à dépasser au dé ne m’a pas défrisé.

Pour tDQ j’espère que la pâte Van Ryder Games permettra une plongée plus enivrante dans les marécages de NOLA que celle des bas-fonds de Paris de CoC 2400!

Mais sans infos, je passerai mon tour.
Un petit TTS serait vraiment l’occaz de voir ce que la bête a dans le ventre :face_with_monocle:

2 « J'aime »

Regarde du côté des productions de Yno.

Là c’est l’intégrale mais chaque épisode peut être acheté à l’unité en pdf, pour un prix modique.
C’est clef en main : système (léger), scénar, persos.

2 « J'aime »

Je viens de lire un peu le sujet et je trouve dommage que la plupart ne parlent que de Lucky Duck Games.
Eux ils ne font que le packaging.

c’est Van Ryder game qui fait le jeu en lui-même et eux ont fait des bons jeux…

1 « J'aime »

Ok mais le mix entre les deux va donner quoi?

Où est le curseur?

Le game designer est Evan Derrick qui est le game designer de Van ryder games.

Nouvelle update sur le PM et le développement…

Update #29 - Pledge Manager Coming Soon & a Look into Development

We are currently assembling the pledge manager for The Dark Quarter with Gamefound. We will post another Update later this month when the pledge manager is ready to launch, but below you will find information of what a pledge manager is and why we are using it.

In the pledge manager, you will pay your shipping charges for your pledge as well as be able to purchase additional add-ons or upgrade your pledge. The pledge manager also allows us to collect your shipping address so that we know where to send your pledge once the game is ready to fulfill.

Without your shipping address and completion of the pledge manager for your pledge, we are unable to fulfill your pledge so it is crucial that you complete the pledge manager before the closing date.

The Current State of Development by Rafał

Today we’re going to share with you the work on Lost to the Night expansion. While Evan works on his second scenario, I’m building the expansion campaign almost from scratch. One of the challenges I wanted to talk about today is working within the framework of Evan’s world-building and staying true to the lore established by his creation. One of the very early decisions was to conceive a separate set of characters for the expansion. The reason was creative freedom which is working both ways.

With The Yesterday Demon expansion already taking the role of a prequel to the base game campaign, it was only natural for the second expansion to be a sequel of some sort, at least chronologically. Dividing the base game from Lost to the Night, gave Evan the freedom to bring final conclusions to all of his characters, without the bonds of ensuring their survival for the future. Effectively, they are stripped of their plot armor.

On my end, the obvious freedom was to bring to life my own cast of characters, who do not need to stay true to already established characters of the Beaumont Agents. Speaking of the Beaumont Agency, there was an obvious pull towards making the new characters a part of the Agency, but once again, we decided to step away from that.

Thanks to this division, Evan can rest easy, without worrying with what I’ll do to his characters and I can bring my own touch to the world of the Dark Orleans without stepping too much into Evan’s territory. We hope you like this reasoning as some of you certainly wanted to experience more adventures of the Beaumont Agents, but we hope that providing another perspective on the world will give you an even better opportunity to explore it further.

Lastly, on the topic of relation of The Dark Quarter base game to the Lost to the Nightexpansion, there is a plan of linking the base game to the expansion at several points. So, if your beloved Beaumont Agents survived the story in the base game, they might just show up at a later stage to take part in the search for the missing Susanna within Lost to the Night!

Now it’s time for the specifics. Since the close of the Kickstarter Campaign (once again, thank you for your support and enthusiasm!), I was able to return to work on the Lost to the Night. A month has passed and I can say that I finally have a really good sketch for the story that I want to present throughout Scenario 1, and I also have a high-level idea of how to construct the 3-scenario campaign to its conclusion.

The work already went beyond a purely conceptual stage. The first batch of new art has already been commissioned and, as you can see in the screenshots below, I’ve made a hefty progress with implementation within the Editor.

The labels have been redacted to not offer any spoilers.

The map is now busy with various locations, placed all across the city, and more may arrive. Before everyone becomes enthusiastic with « all right, it’s almost done! », let me assure you, these are only the buttons which lead to the actual locations and the locations are mostly empty, currently. So there is still a lot of work ahead, but hopefully this shows you the scope of Scenario 1 in Lost to the Night.

The Alligator Club - The location art is just placeholder art at the moment, but will be updated as things progress.

Speaking of locations and content within them, above is the the very first location that you will explore: The Alligator Club. It’s very busy with various Points of Interest. It should be said though, that not every location holds as many Points of Interest. In fact, The Alligator Club holds the record for most Points of Interests for now, so do not expect all locations to be that rich with clues.

  • Rafał Wojda-Wołkowycki, Game Direction, Game Development & Writing

A votre avis dans le pack figurines NPC il y en aura qui concernent la 3eme extension ?

C’est peut être que les NPC pour la boîte de base que tu pourras utilisé sur les 2 extensions

Nouvelle update avec l’ouverture du PM repoussé à fin juillet…

Update #30 - Pledge Manager Status & Work-in-Progress Art

Work in Progress Art for Captain Broussard, NOPD Chief of Police

Work in Progress Art for Chloe Lebat, a Nurse

Work in Progress Art for Items in The Dark Quarter

Work in Progress Art for Troy, a Punk and Local Troublemaker

Work in Progress Art for Roy, a Vietnam Vet and Friend of Zavaleta

Work in Progress Art for Rougarou in its Deadly Form

Iterative Work in Progress on a Hexbreaker Design

Greetings Detectives,

This is a quick update to let you know we have pushed back the launch of the Gamefound pledge manager until late July. We have detailed the reasons for this delay below. Also in this update is a peek at some of the work-in-progress art of The Dark Quarter, shown above.

Pledge Manager Status

We had hoped to have the pledge manager launched by now, but we are taking extra time to ensure that all of the shipping charges are setup correctly for all possible configurations in all of our shipping locales. This requires additional time as we go through each locale’s settings in Gamefound. This is to ensure you are charged shipping that accurately reflects our shipping estimates from the campaign. Have no fear, as we are confident in the estimates we have provided.

Each locale requires a comprehensive list of shipping weights and fulfillment prices so that each possible pledge configuration is accounted for, specifically for that locale. With fulfillment centers around the world, this is the culmination of shipping information provided by each fulfillment partner combined with the dimension and shipping weight of each game, expansion and add-on.

Nouvelle update qui annonce l’ouverture du PM qui va durer jusqu’à ce qu’ils commencent la prod…

Update #31 - Pledge Manager is Now Live!

The Dark Quarter pledge manager on Gamefound is now live! If you have not received your pledge manager invite by email by the end of the day, please check your spam folder.

Q: How long will the pledge manager remain open? When is the deadline to complete the pledge manager?

A: We will leave the pledge manager open until the production of the games at our manufacturer, which is planned for 2023. This provides you plenty of time to think about which add-ons you may wish to add to your pledge within the pledge manager. We do, however, recommend that you complete your pledge manager as soon as you are ready for multiple reasons - it helps us plan both production and logistics for the game, expansions and add-ons; it shows us which of the available add-ons Backers desire; and most importantly, we don’t want you to forget to complete your pledge manager as that could potentially delay the fulfillment of your pledge! It would be a shame to not receive your pledge at the same time as other backers because you forgot to complete your pledge manager. Trust us, it happens.

Q: Will I be able to update my address after completing my pledge manager?

A: Of course! You will be able to edit your shipping address in Gamefound up until we need to lock down addresses, but that will not be until we are close to prepping fulfillment lists for our fulfillment partners near the time we begin shipping pledges to Backers.

oui maintenant la question se pose, qui pledge et qui attendra le retail ou l’occase?

qui pledge quoi en effet et qui attend. Convertis-je mon dollar? :thinking:

Comme d’hab, all-in. :v:

1 « J'aime »

mon all-in payé à l’instant :slight_smile: j’en attends bcp, on se reparle dans un an pour partager nos joies et/ou déceptions :slight_smile:

2 « J'aime »

Ça sera occas pour moi, j’ai fait l’erreur de prendre Chronicles of Crime (1er et millenium) au KS, et ils se retrouvent soldés et/ou en occaz pas cher maintenant alors que je n’ai toujours pas fini mes boîtes.
Bref pas pressé :slight_smile:

Pledge de base pour moi. Pour l’extension ca attendra le retail.

1 « J'aime »

Moi j’hésite encore à transformer mon €. Je n’arrive pas à bien cerner le jeu: est-on sur un jeu d’enquête/déduction ou simplement sur un reskin de Destinies ?
À la base je voyais ça comme un CoC avec les mécanique de Destinies. Mais j’ai l’impression (à tort ?) que le côté enquête n’est pas si développé que ça…

J’ai compris que c’était pas juste un reskin mais bien une enquête a embranchement
Mais limite dans la rejouabilité car il y a des points de passage obligé. Seuls l’histoire des personnages apporte de la différence dans le déroulé

3 « J'aime »

J’avais pledgé un rookie, je pense l’upgrader en détective pledge. Le reste c’est du cosmétique useless

2 « J'aime »

J’ai fais exactement la même. Même les PNJ en figue ne m’ont pas tenté. Ça faisait cher le cosmétique pour voir un perso 30 secondes.