The Dark Quarter - par Lucky Duck Games / Van Ryder Games - Livraison octobre 2023

J’espère vraiment qu’ils vont pas foirer la trad, car en VO c’est fameux (extraits de la dernière news) :

That man could solve any crime blindfolded and handcuffed, but now? He’s broken and used up. Bottom of the barrel, even for the likes of Beaumont."; « Who? Robicheaux? You mean John-I-lost-my-shit-Robicheaux? He’s still alive? »

She wanted to flex her arcane muscles, and no one ran into more wild and crazy shit than the Beaumont Agents. Vampires, werewolves, and diablos, oh my. Constance Moreau couldn’t imagine anything more exciting.

Mullins’ unwanted party trick developed around the time he lost his dream job as head chef at one of the most decorated restaurants in the city. The manner of his exit was violent enough to ensure that no one else would hire him - not even hole-in-the-wall grease cooks slinging po’ boys and dirty rice. Left with nothing, Mullins began to drink like the devil himself. And with his newfound hobby came his newfound drinking buddies: rotting corpses, which never shut the fuck up.
Why this had happened to him, he didn’t know, but it did find him an unlikely job at the Beaumont Agency. An investigator who could speak to the dead often came in handy, even if he was perpetually drunk. Most people didn’t mind, though, since Mullins, despite being eighteen sheets to the wind on any given day, was one charming sonofabitch.

If someone is going to think outside the box, that’s certainly Bluejay, who gives zero fucks about staying in that box.

Bon courage aux traducteurs, et en espérant qu’ils vont pas édulcorer le bordel au passage.

2 « J'aime »

Aucune chance. Il est à faire en VO pour tous ceux qui le peuvent, ça c’est sûr.

1 « J'aime »

Bon ben, j’ai pris la version rookie et on verra bien… (par contre j’avais pas fait gaffe que ça sortirait en 2024 pour la VF… Et j’imagine qu’il n’est pas possible d’annuler une commande si je commençais à me dire que l’attente devient trop longue ?)

Après je me connais, d’ici un an je suis capable d’avoir oublié que je l’avais commandé xD

1 « J'aime »

Tu peux toujours annuler la commande et te faire remboursé avant que le PM ne ferme, car après c’est plus difficile.

OK merci.
Mais bon, je crois que je vais rester sur ma décision et conserver mon achat…
Reste plus qu’à patienter maintenant ^^
(c’est mon premier achat de ce type donc je ne sais pas trop à quoi m’attendre)

Nouvelle update mais toujours pas de deadline pour le PM…

Update #37 - Living World Waiting to Be Explored

Greetings Detectives,

This update is dedicated to the backbone of The Dark Quarter - characters and the stories related to them. This is what makes the game a living and breathing environment. To give you a glimpse of the effort we put into each NPC character, let me introduce to you, Sophie Romero and Black Rex.

Meet Your Employer

As you would have expected, a woman in charge of the Beaumont Agency is not an easy-going person - gently put.

Sophie is the director of the Beaumont Agency, In other words, she’s your boss. In terms of game mechanics, Sophie is the one who briefs you at the beginning of each scenario while also being one of the key NPCs that can offer you help if you ever get stuck. However, any help she offers comes with a stout helping of humiliation.

See, while Sophie ultimately cares about the agents under her supervision, she also has zero patience for failure, stupidity, and ignorance. She will let you know how she feels when you speak with her. Every. Single. Time.

Oh, and she has a mouth on her like a sailor:

“If I had been asked to imagine a more disgraceful shitshow than the one you put on, what I would have come up with would have paled in comparison to the steaming pile of goat feces that you all managed to dump on my goddamn porcelain plate.” Mullins stifled a laugh. That was inventive, even for Sophie.”

Getting a hint from Sophie has zero gameplay implications. Your score won’t be docked because the game doesn’t track points. The Dark Quarter is all about the story you’re taking part in, not meeting some arbitrary threshold. So if you want to get a hint from Sophie on every single turn you’re more than welcome to do so. However, she’s going to verbally berate you for it. Here’s a taste of what Sophie Romero can dish out.

“Goddammit, what now?” Sophie asked before the door had even swung shut behind Moreau. “I hired you for a reason and it wasn’t because of your sparkling personality and witty fucking banter.” Moreau waited silently. Sophie was nothing if not consistent. After a moment, the director looked up. “You’re still here. Out-fucking-standing. Fine. I will spare you two minutes of my very, very, very goddamn precious time.”

It’s All About Questions

Black Rex is the proprietor of the House of Rest for Weary Boatmen, a seedy dive bar that is home to the roughest characters that Dark Orleans has to offer. You’ll find a motley group of rougaroos, criminals, and n’er-do-wells haunting the Boatman’s ramshackle walls, and presiding over all of them like an emperor over his subjects, is Black Rex.

Robicheaux handed over a thick wad of bills and Rex slid the crowbar across the bar. “Good for opening doors, cracking skulls, or if you’re feeling particularly lonely, some nice intimate alone time. Not that I would recommend that. Probably get tetanus. But who am I to judge? Here you go. Don’t ask where it’s been.”

You’ll visit the Boatmen regularly, either looking for information or contraband, but everything has a price, and Rex is the shrewdest negotiator this side of the Mississippi. Don’t come empty-handed, but if you can pay what Rex asks, you’ll open up doors in the investigation that would have otherwise remained closed.

A Taste of Things to Come

We are also finalizing more and more locations you can visit. Each one results in different NPC, quests, and secrets. Take a look at some of the places you will visit during the game.

Pledge Manager Open Time?

We plan to keep Pledge Manager as long as possible without crossover with the shipping phase of the Project. It means it will remain open until the last minute of finalizing our production order with our partners in China to allow everyone to join « The Dark Quarter » who wishes to. Once we have a set date for this we’ll ensure updates are shared ahead of the Pledge Manager closing.

What Are the Box Dimensions?

Box Dimensions will follow industry standards, meaning 29x29x7cm. Will fit your shelves perfectly. All other expansions will also be in line with the 29x29 cm standard. Your Kallaxes will love them.

That’s it for today’s update. If you have any questions, just leave them in the comments or drop us a line at We’ll do our best to help!

Until next time,


Michał @ Lucky Duck Games

1 « J'aime »

Et de nouveau, le speech de Sophie est priceless.
Nouvel appel aux traducteurs pour pas la foirer celle la !

2 « J'aime »

Décalage de la potentielle livraison de octobre 2023 à juin 2024.

oui donc livraison VF pour 2025

Les vf ont toujours étée livrées en même temps que les vo sur nos jeux studio.
A ma connaissance, il n’est pas prévu sur ça change :wink:

2 « J'aime »

Oui mais sur la page KS c’était prévu octobre 2023 pour la VO et début 2024 pour la VF

5 « J'aime »

Ah tiens ! J’étais pas au courant de cette différence, mea culpa ! :wink:

En tout cas c’est quelque chose qu’on préfère éviter tant que possible.

Après 300 000 mots à traduire, ce sera beaucoup de taf clairement :slight_smile:

1 « J'aime »

Bon courage aux traducteurs et relecteurs, encore une bonne année pour patienté :sweat_smile:

2 « J'aime »

On a une date de fermeture du PM ?

J’ai vu dans les commentaires que çà resterait ouvert un bon moment donc non il n’y a pas de date et on a encore le temps pour réfléchir/payer ^^

Dans la news du jour

When will the Pledge Manager close?

As always we try to keep the Pledge Manager open until mass manufacturing is about to begin. With the new timeline, this should be around November/December this year. We will ensure to send an update out ahead of the Pledge Manager closing so you can make any final changes you need to.

1 « J'aime »

Un peu de news…

Update #42 - Artwork, minis and Dead Saturdays

Today’s update is brought to you entirely by Rafał Wojda-Wołkowycki, one of our game writers of “The Dark Quarter” - Michał Hartliński

Greetings fellow detectives!

We’re back. Since the last update, all the illustrations have been completed. By completed, I mean that all internal and external artists had delivered raw products of their hard work. What happens right now is a process of standardization and revision of the graphic design, before everything will be merged and prepared for print.


We worked with a host of talented artists, understandably, we always wanted our art to look consistent, but on the other hand it’s only natural that artists have their distinct styles and realistically speaking, there are differences, and we embrace that fact. What matters the most is keeping the general thematic feel, artistic vision and objective quality of the art. With that said, we do have in place an extra process we call ‘standardization’, which is happening right now. The goal of this process is ensuring stylistic consistency. It’s clearly not about redrawing existing art, but rather about very cosmetic changes, or more technical adjustments of color palette, levels of saturation etc. to make art more consistent.

You can see above, how XYZ was adjusted to fit the established style. Therefore, it was always important to note that the art we presented you so far, was all still WIP, for it was always meant to receive this additional treatment.

I also mentioned graphic design. Sure, for Kickstarter review copies and campaign itself we prepared most of the graphics. But it was, well, a prototype. I can tell that there will be no revolutions here and the art style will remain the same. The game will be fully recognizable to what we showed, but we simply need to update it. Some changes are purely visual, caused by the feedback about readability. Some designs were more of the KC campaign mockups, and they need to be up-scaled to the actual print quality. Some changes are called for by the mechanical changes - like moving around the skill upgrade price ranges on the character player boards.

Once both of these processes are completed, we will marry the two, to create actual files for the print (well, that’s actually a love triangle, for what also starts soon is component proofreading. Many components need the text that will be printed on them. The texts, like consumable card abilities are ready, but need to be proofread, before we place them on the cards).


Another big milestone for us are miniatures. All of the minis are sculpted!

Most of our minis were ready by the time of KS campaign. We know you people, and we wanted to show you as many as we could. But, there was a twist. By that time we didn’t know all the characters that we wanted to include in our stories. What’s also crucial to acknowledge, is that characters who are nobilitated with a mini of their own are usually important ones. So there was a conflict of “ok we want to show off with as many minis” VS “We have limited miniature ‘slots’ to fill, and I don’t want to fill these with generic characters. I need to know these important guys well before we give them their proper plastic flesh.”

So, for that reason, the sculpting of minis was literally frozen for many, many months, and it only started again this year. Let me present you with a collage of all the miniatures, as well as individual close ups of all the new characters. These come in no particular order from Lost to the Night expansion and Miniature Expansion.

Annie Christmas


Helene Martin


Hooded Antagonist

Laveau Grunt



From my own perspective, as a game director and writer at the same time, it was always a challenge to reconcile the responsibilities of the two. Thankfully, with things getting finalized I do have slightly more space for writing itself. Therefore, we speak a lot about production, which is a priority right now, but let me just mention briefly that - fear not, the scenarios themselves are written, implemented and tested, and this activity will become our number one, together with actual proofreading and localization of what we already have. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves for now.

Place for a pun about Dead Saturdays

Lastly for this month, I wanted to end with another faction-lore-focused character presentation. Today let’s go with Dead Saturdays, the infamous and powerful gang of New Orleans. These guys are sort of a mixture between a criminal gang of vandalizing punks and occultists. They idolize and emulate the style of a Voodoo loa of death - Baron Samedi. It’s hard to call most of them true practitioners of Voodoo. Where higher ups within their gang are surely devoted and do have a real connection with their patron loa, most grunts simply joined the powerful and respected gang for the same reasons brutal youth joins gangs all around the world. Whoever joins as a blinker, very quickly ceases to be one, but once again, most Dead Saturdays do not have anything supernatural about them other than some limited knowledge built around their hermetic rituals. Then again, selected few can be capable users of the arcane.

Papa Doc

Let’s start with a ruthless leader of the gang. Papa Doc is the one who pushed the gang into actions that bring them into our story. The man has made some powerful, supernatural acquaintances beyond his league and he decided to ride this tiger. This surely makes him an ambitious man, who is ready to take risks to advance his power.


Vespasian, is a strange Dead Saturday. At the first glance he appears like a wimp who should have no place within the gang and this gave him an unflattering nickname ‘the bitch’, of which he is not particularly fond of. What he lacks in the muscle department he makes up in the fanatic loyalty to the Papa Doc and devotion to the Baron. He’s the one willing to take any risk and partake in any ritual, no matter how sinister and dangerous.


As already mentioned, most of the members of the gang are just brutes who found the gang cool and appealing. They spend their nights hanging out, partying, stealing, vandalizing, terrorizing the neighborhood, and taking part in Papa Doc’s rituals and schemes. In the end those are brutal and nasty people who revel in the power that the group and ruthlessness of their lifestyle gives them. They will have no second thoughts about stabbing someone with a knife or hitting one with a gas pipe.

A girl who can match or even exceed the other members of the gang with her attitude and thirst for violence can go far within their ranks. It’s a very respect-based tribe of its sorts, and to be a Dead Saturday, you have to be one at heart. After all no-one is born a Dead Saturday - you become one.

Dark Rituals

I spend much time emphasizing Dead Saturday’s down to earth nature, but they are not simply painted up criminals. In the end, willingly or not they are the servants of the darker powers, and these powers can manifest in spectacular ways, empowering the chosen ones with their sinister gifts.

Appealing Style

Dead Saturdays style and careless lifestyles are magnetic for the youth. Who doesn’t love the skull face paint and Halloween mischief all year long. Many teens idolize the gang, especially if they do not entirely comprehend their real, criminal nature and brutality of their actions. It’s simply radical and cool to be a Dead Saturday. Hence, you can also find many gang wannabes, who fantasize about joining the gang, or even become sort of their apprentices, by becoming sidekicks and infromers for the gang.

That’s it for today. We hope you will have a great Saturday (no pun intended)!

2 « J'aime »

En retournant sur le PM je me demande si les prix sont pas volontairement gonflés pour inciter au pledge. Qu’est ce qui justifierait une différence par rapport à Destinies vendu 50 euros en boutique.
Si le jeu est vendu 50 et extension 30, je suis à 80 € et moins mes 10% fidélité = 72, soit pareil que sur GF. Quel interêt j’ai à prendre maintenant par rapport à attendre la sortie boutique et d’eventuels retours sur le jeu?
Je sais cette question revient souvent mais sur d’autres projets c’est plus flagrant, d’autant qu’ici il n’y a pas de KS exclusive…

merci pour vos réponses.

Ma réponse est que j’ai eu le même raisonnement, même si les prix sont plus chers en boutiques/sites, ce n’est pas de l’argent qui poireaute ailleurs, et souvent le ldg est vite trouvable en occasion.

1 « J'aime »

Tu vas économisé genre 5/10 euro effectivement.

Mais comme souvent chez LDG, ça devient intéressant seulement si tu fais All-in. Mais encore faut il être intéressé sur ce jeu par les jetons en métal, et compagnie. La la réduction est plus élevé (mais c’est pas non plus énorme ici).

Sinon, juste le plaisir de payer en avance, de participer et d’attendre. :stuck_out_tongue:

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