The Thinning Veil - par Triskelion Games - version solo Cormac Mac Airt, livraison en sept. 2025

Moi je comprend que seule l’anglais sera produite
Le reste sera en digital

Ah désolé, j’avais mal lu.

Bon ben c’est mort pour moi alors…

Il me semblait qu’ils avaient pourtant proposé la vf en digital dans leur 1er ks

Pres de 207 euros le pledge de base avec FDP+TVA sans vf …dommage.

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Ah oui moi ce qui fait mal c’est le changement sur la TVA… Et payer 50€ de plus pour avoir le jeu, je pense que ça va être difficile… :pensive:

Dommage, leur projet avait l’air sympa…

Changement d’horaire pour le lancement du KS de demain… du coup on passe à 8H

Be advised we have brought the launch forward by 1 hour to respond to those in the EU who thought a 9 p.m launch for them was a little late in the day. That’s probably true, so we now launch at 7 p.m UK London Time. That’s 8 p.m for much of Europe and 2 p.m for EST (Eastern U.S) and 11 a.m PT (Pacific Time). We doubt that will influence anyone negatively so made the change. There are some changes being made in light of the feedback to the campaign page and we’ll have a little surprise for fans of the game also.

Le relaunch du KS est lancé et première fois que je vois un backer d’Arabie Saoudite sur un projet…

Je n’ai pas calculé le prix du all-in (y’a trop de chiffres) mais je pense qu’on n’est pas loin du :rofl: :

Ça marche toujours pas leur truc.
Et pourtant ça a pas l’air mauvais, en soi.

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problème de timing je pense. En ce moment y a des reprint de projets biens connus : Hexplore It, DEI, le pledge manager de King of Ruin … et leur jeu est inconnu au milieu de tout ça , dur de se faire une place … après ils ont déjà récolté 60000 euros soit la moitié et il reste 19j .
Leurs offres me semblent correctes , à voir pour la mécanique de jeu

Les dernières 24H sont lancées et ils en sont à 94K$. Reste encore 54K$ pour atteindre l’objectif de financement de 148K$. Autant dire que ça va être impossible. Mais c’était très mal engagé depuis la fin des premières 48H ^^ D’après ce que j’ai lu dans les coms ils vont revenir plus tard pour une troisième tentative…

1 « J'aime »

Eux ils en veulent.
Ça finira peut-être à la Dungeon Crusade (financé au 4e tour, pourtant le jeu a plu et maintenant même un reprint est financé…).

On leur souhaite en tout cas.

2 « J'aime »

Oui il y a des gars vraiment motivés dans les commentaires j’ai suivi un petit peu et à 3 jours de la fin ils avaient l’air d’y croire encore. D’un côté je les admire, mais d’un autre j’ai du mal à comprendre pourquoi s’infliger la lente agonie d’une fin de campagne quand c’est aussi loin du financement.

J’ai regardé la répartition par pays et c’est assez semblable au premier KS malgré l’ajout de la TVA dans celui-ci. Ça reste un no go pour moi à cause de ça, mais je leur souhaite de réussir au 3e essai.

Ils ont posté une dernière update sur leur analyse de la campagne. Malheureusement, sans proto (physique ou TTS) et videos de gros comptes YT pour gagner de la visibilité et des backers supplémentaires, je ne vois pas comment ils pourraient financer le projet…

Update #27 - The House of Triskelion ~ An Open Letter to the Heroes of the Veil

Hail Heroes!

We would like to thank all our backers for their support during the recent Kickstarter campaign! You have been magnificent, resourceful, imaginative, humourous and very generous of spirit and your love. Once again however, somehow, we have failed to fund the game…

It could be that Maladum, Dungeon Saga, Elder Scrolls and White Death dominated us. It could be the marketing space was again so flooded by better funded marketing campaigns that we could not compete with them for attention. It could be the huge success of BattleTech, and good luck to them there! Exciting stuff.

Ultimately backers can only go all-in on one or maybe two projects per month. For the most part. The excellent Maladum has been eagerly anticipated for a long time and did very well, ending just before us. Dungeon Saga likewise launched after us and finished before us. We believe this had a damaging influence on our own prospects as a new company attempting to fund our first game. It was not possible for us to return in February as planned, and so we returned when we were ready with the best format we could present. The delay in this sense did cost us potentially being able to succeed, however if you can imagine this project without the presence of Trine who was in for major surgery and without Paul, who had lost his childhood best friend, and was also very concerned about his partner, you will understand the reason behind our late return. We are glad so many of you joined us this time around and enjoyed the campaign. We enjoyed it also!

With Zombicide and BattleTech taking off as well this month, it really was another tough moment to launch in, and we are not aware of the schedule of every company - sometimes you just clash, and often you cannot ‹ dodge › everyone. Your job is to do better and still fund. As we have said and have strived to do.

We observed many comments around social media and addressed every single one of them where we saw them, engaging with many people. We can hope some of those will consider us in the future.

Some have said we need prototypes to YouTubers and our response has been that we couldn’t afford those. This is a big game. Promotional copies of this miniatures based game require many components and even small and simplified scenarios are quite an expense to a small company like we are. We’ll be working toward a very stripped down game however for those influencers but how that will be representative of the true experience of this game is difficult to imagine and another challenge for us. One we accept. Funding it will take time. As will designing special scenarios for those showcase promotional prototypes on limited content.

Others have said our price point is too high. Anyone looking at the project we believe would be hard pushed not to see the incredible value especially when all the Unlocks were revealed. We have seen BattleTech with a similar price point ($150) fund massively, but by a 9 times creator. We believe this is a pivotal element in this.

The conclusion we have is that at Kickstarter and as a first time creator, we are simply unable to fund with this project. No matter what we do. We have limited resources and simply cannot compete here. Make of that what you will.

We also conclude we must bring the price point down on our first project. We must prove we can deliver something else first, before we then prove we can deliver the game we have made and want in your hands. This for the reason that many backers consider us simply ‹ too much risk. › You might see the solution looming…

We will make an announcement regarding this and our plans to get prototypes to a select few influencers on YouTube before we attempt to fund again. Expect resultant delays to the project in its return because Triskelion is entirely funded by volunteers and the Game Designer, Paul. We must work within our limits.

We also must change our strategy in terms of approach to the project and yet rest assured that we will continue to aim to get this big box game experience and fantasy world into your hands!

We are shaping our site up and you will find some exciting developments coming resultantly. Please sign up to the newsletter. We will be ‹ sending owls › to our supporters updating them on our activities, experiences and showcasing forthcoming projects as we move into the future with a set plan and clear goal.

Do not worry if for a time the site goes down or appears to, we will be furthering the development soon on our own domain. This means site visibility may be down for a period of 48 hours. This will happen shortly but by all means sign up to hear about what we have coming. Please share this around to other backers and interested parties you may know. It is important we get eyes on this development. We wish to keep this community together and provide a forum for chat and discussion like the one we enjoy here in the comments. The eventual creation is what this Update is named: The House of Triskelion!

If you click the image above it will take you to our site where we encourage you to sign up for the newsletter and have a look around.

There will be another update on this Kickstarter once we can unveil more of the entirety of our course of action and what Triskelion intends as we move forward. Once again, thank you for believing in us, and our dream of this game. We are sorry to have once again let you down in our pursuit and mutual desire to get the game to your tabletops.

Our assurance, we will find a way, and we want to continue this Hero’s Journey with you all! Much love & Blessed Be!

The Triskelion Games Team

La suite avec un nouveau projet…

New webstore and member forums! Join the community!

Hail Heroes!

Since the Kickstarter failed to fund, we have been planning our return to crowdfunding and what the future holds for Triskelion Games and The Thinning Veil.

We’ve seen the comments of many backers suggesting we Kickstart to fund prototypes and ads for a new campaign. We have seen much very good advice!

While we are not going to make an announcement yet regarding the game itself, we have sent the specifications for a new project set in Inis Fael which is a Thinning Veil adventure game off to our manufacturer for quotation. We feel it is time to realise the big box 30 scenario campaign needs to be put on hold, while we instead realise a project which will cost less to produce. This will mean it will likewise have a lower entry point and a lower funding goal. It will still be packed with greatness and a very exciting campaign! More about this when we know more and can comfirm more details!

Now let’s talk shop!

We have decided to open a webstore for those who wish to support the company going forward and in this way you will receive physical products from our selected manufacturers and we will receive a decent cut from any sales generated. Even if this only funds the website and for the store to continue we’ll be delighted! Each month we’ll freshen up the range with some lovely new items and designs! Click on the picture to visit the website. Be sure to sign up and become members!

Why not head to our website via that picture link above, which is now going ‹ live › globally on our own domain, and explore the site and join in on the forums? Introduce yourselves, select a profile picture, pick a site name and enjoy!

While we don’t expect sales in the store to go through the roof, anything will help support us and this dream of the Thinning Veil! We are in the early stages with Paypal so if you use them as your preferred payment option, as soon as you have your products please mark them in Paypal as received! This will help us immensely!

Expect another announcement hopefully by the end of this week or early next about our upcoming project, where it will be happening and what we plan for it! We hope to see many of you join the 150 who have already subscribed to our mailing list! We hope also to see many of you becoming members on the site, it is free! It will be wonderful for us to continue to discuss all manner of subjects and of course the project going forward!

Until next time Heroes!

Blessed Be

The Triskelion Games team

La dernière News du côté de Trikeslion…

We are excited to announce that we are developing a lower entry point game for the Thinning Veil based on the Crypt of the Charnel Court narrative, expanding it to include new hero types, some enemies you have seen before and at least one villainous newcomer to the fold, in addition to new card content. There will be 24 tiles in this game, and the shorter campaign of 10 scenarios will take place between three worlds, spanning the Land of the Quick, the Land of the Dead, and the Other Side of Midnight. In fact one of the difficulties facing the players will be in discovering quite which world it is in which they walk! The challenge will be to defeat the Charnel Queen and put an end to her evil schemes.

We’ll include daily unlocks, a few add ons and some narrative and card based content as stretch goals, with the aim of adding dungeon crawler mode scenarios determined by how well we do in the campaign. We are looking at Gamefound as our likely platform for this, but as you can understand, this creation is going to take some time to put together.

Additionally, we are intent on producing some prototypes of the Crypt of the Charnel Court and are working with various parties towards this goal.

We were aiming at announcing this 2 weeks ago, but when the quote came in on the new game it was as expensive to produce as the last! So that is why word from us was delayed. Now we are moving forward despite such projections, and we’ll get new quotes nearer to the time when we return to crowdfunding. We can always return to the Thinning Veil as you have seen it after we have delivered a lower entry point game. The new game, with its shorter campaign, will still include over 40 miniatures, and will actually have more cards than the previous game, and more tokens also.

There are some other plans all connected to The Thinning Veil and our ambition of getting it into your hands! These do include a contingency, as we can gauge expected support from what we have achieved to date and are going to do our best to create a project that can fund on those numbers if possible. We’re confident that once gamers are experiencing the Thinning Veil for themselves that future projects will be very successful.

3 « J'aime »

Au moins, il faut reconnaître que l’éditeur a de la persévérance.

C’est la troisième fois qu’il va essayer, peut-être que ce sera la bonne.

Retour prévu sur gamefound avec un jeu solo dans le même univers

3 « J'aime »

Et c’est pour la 14 mai.

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