Townsfolk Tussle - par Panic Roll - reprint + extension, livraison sept. 2024

De ce que j’avais déjà proposé en janvier 2023 sur BGG :

General rules modifications

1 - Set up and preparation
This point allows you to randomly reduce the duration of the game.
After placing the 4 Ruffian tokens on the track, roll a die and resolve the corresponding effect:
1-4: Remove the token from the Chump slot.
5-7: Remove the token from the Hooligan slot.
8-9: Remove the token from the Trouble Maker slot.
! : Choose and resolve one of the above results.
The removed token is returned to the box, this Ruffian will not be fought, and the empty slot will be a special town phase.

2 - Number of players
First step of a balancing attempt
This game works for 1 to 4 players. In solo, play 2 townsfolk, from 2 to 4 players each play one. Do not play with 5 players.
Depending on the number of townsfolk in the game, the rules will change slightly.

3 - Choosing the townsfolk
The townsfolk hear rumors and testimonies that tell them which Ruffian they should go hunting for.
Reveal the Ruffian token in the Final Fight location before choosing your characters. This one is known, as it is the townsfolk’s mission to drive it out of Eureka Spring. The other Ruffians, who are hiding along the way, remain hidden.

4 - Distribution of coins
Another point that allows to start balancing the game according to the number of players/townsfolk.
At the stage of earning coins, instead of earning 10 coins per townsfolk, distribute 24 coins equally among the townsfolk.
That is, townsfolk receive 12 coins each with 1 or 2 players, 9 with 3 players, 6 with 4 players.

5 - First City Phase
This point makes the Feats of Mettle cards more useful and interesting and complete the above point.
When the Feats of Mettle cards are dealt to the townsfolk for the first time, each one receives 5 cards and selects 3 to keep, the other 2 are discarded.
And, when he discards cards, each townsfolk receives personally the amount of coins indicated on those cards.

6 - Empty slot on the track
One less fight, but…
When the townsfolk reach the location without Ruffian token, before moving on to the next location, they each resolve 2 Town Events cards in the usual order. Cards marked SECRET are not used, they are discarded. In this case, draw another card instead.

7 - Buying from the Peddler
Since this is a collaborative game, it is a shame that players cannot help each other to get better gear.
During this phase, townsfolk can freely exchange equipment, except for the starting gear which must always remain in the possession of the townsfolk to whom it belongs.
In addition, it is possible to contribute to the purchase of another townsfolk’s gear by paying part of the amount in coins on their behalf.

To be continued…

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