Earth Under Siege : Flashpoint est un dungeon crawler coop de SF pour 1 à 4 joueurs, dans lequel les joueurs doivent accomplir des missions secrètes contre une force extraterrestre qui cherche à assujettir la Terre entière. Les joueurs contrôlent des agents qui travaillent pour la division militaire connue sous le nom d’A.E.G.I.S., une force alliée formée de soldats et de scientifiques du monde entier. Les joueurs développent leurs agents et leur QG au cours d’une campagne de plus de 30 missions, tout en suivant l’histoire de plus en plus profondément jusqu’à ce qu’ils découvrent la vraie nature de l’ennemi et d’où il vient.
Pledges : jeu à $120 (Early Birds pendant 48h à $110) ou avec Extension pour $170$ ($155 en Early Birds) Frais de port : en sus, estimés entre $35-40 et $40-50 selon le pledge. CA : $5 à $10 de moins. TVA : en sus, facturée lors du Pledge Manager. Soit le pledge avec extension pour environ 235 € tout compris.
Bilan : 1 507 contributeurs ont engagé 206 476 $ pour soutenir ce projet.
Earth Under Siege: Flashpoint may be a game about covert ops, but when the alarm gets triggered and the aliens are coming from all directions, there’s no one better to have on your team than Marissa Vazquez. Do you like machine guns? Do you like grenades? Do you like mowing down the enemy in their dozens? Then Marissa Vazquez is the Operative you want watching your six when things go sideways!
You first feel his presence like spiders crawling through your thoughts. The fear quickly turns to dread as the Mind Killer reveals himself, his psionic powers tearing into you like razors across your mind.
In Earth Under Siege: Flashpoint, the Mind Killer is an elite Enemy from the race that call themselves the Xethan. Operatives must focus their minds against the Mind Killer’s abilities if they are to defeat him…or flee from him if they cannot.
The Dominator seeks only to annihilate his enemies. Taking captives is for the weak. Opposition must be tread underfoot like so much dust. Crushed so utterly that they never rise again. His opponents fire in blind panic as his massive shadow falls over them, their pathetic weapons pinging off his armor like hail. The thralls he commands are mere chaff, their deaths nothing but validation of his superiority. He is a Dominator and he does not deal in half measures. Only complete destruction of his foes will suffice.
Je passe sans problème, c’est beau, ça claque, mais trop de truc à lire sur les cartes, trop d’icônes. Actuellement je suis plus à la recherche de chose nettement plus simples et lisibles. J’ai l’impression qu’il va falloir passer trois plombes à lire une carte pour jouer ses effets lors des premières parties. Du coup ça va le gaver et le jeu restera sur l’étagère… après je juge sans connaître et avec ces seuls visuels, mais si j’accroche pas là… ça m’immunise à moins d’une vidéo gameplay…vous en êtes où vous par rapport à la pléthore de pictos et le texte à lire sur les cartes ?
The Vormacht were a terrorist organization that operated along the Russian/Ukrainian border, known for using extremist measures to advance their goals. But while their methods were detestable, they were seen as a minor player in the world at large. That was before the war. Before the arrival of the Xethan. Now the Vormacht have allied with the alien invaders, assisting them with logistics, intel, and battlefield support. It raises the question: why would an organization, any organization, regardless of how extreme, betray their own species when defeat means annihilation? Or worse, enslavement. While the motives of the Vormacht remain unclear, their actions seem to exemplify the expression “it’s better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven”.
Hey all, I wanted to share some recent sculpt previews we just got back. This one is for a basic enemy called a Stalker. These enemies are known for marking their prey to make it easier for other enemies to bring them down.
They call me “No Mates” like it bothers me. But let’s face it, snipers prefer a little space. I’d much rather work alone then have some soldier running around blocking my shot, shouting and spraying machine gun fire everywhere like some barbarian. Or have some medic puttin’ their hands on me and mumbling about my « seeping wound ». Let it bleed mate! I’ve got a job to do! But I’m a professional. If I need to take the shot while that soldier is running around chucking grenades everywhere, or that medic is getting all touchy feely over a flesh wound, then that shot is still getting made. And the target is still getting dead. After all the smoke clears, and the echoes of machine guns and grenades has faded, after all the bleeding has stopped, it was still that one round through the enemy’s head that ended the fight. They can thank me later.
Je suis de loin histoire de pas passer à côté dans l’hypothèse où le jeu soit bien. Mais, il va falloir envoyer du lourd pour que je pledge.
Pour l’instant, ça puise quand même beaucoup dans différents les genres / styles : armure à la Zombicide Invader (CMON a dû s’inspirer / repomper de quelques part), un petit air de second guerre mondiale uchronique (à;la Dust Tatcis, Wolfenstein, etc.). J’ai un peu du mal avec ces mélanges.
The game was designed to be played with 1-4 players from the beginning. Solo mode is not just tacked on.
An optimal team will have four Operatives, but in games with less than 4 players, the team can either play with less team members, or fill out the missing players with Squad Members. Squad Members are easier to play than a full Operative because they do not have a tactics deck. Instead, they have a skill printed on their dashboard to help make up for their lack of a deck. In addition, whenever Squad Members are used, the team gains a support token which gives the entire team a bonus that gets more powerful for each Squad Member on the team. Each Operative in the game has a Squad Member version of their dashboard, so you use the corresponding mini, just not their deck.
Players can also choose to just play with less Operatives on their team if they don’t want to control the Squad Members (for instance, if a solo player wanted to just control their Operative and a single Squad Member or just go true solo with no Squad Members). To balance having less than four members on their team, there is a system called the Threat Level which sets the power of many Enemy cards and Threat cards (which are like event cards). At the beginning of each mission, the Threat Level is set to the number of team members, so players that don’t want to control a full team can do so without being handicapped.