Kingdom Come: Deliverance - par Boardcubator - Annulé

C’est exactement ça en suivant le scénario…

En passant par faire un coucou sexy time avec la fermière du début, se joindre à une fête nudiste dans la forêt, tabasser la brute du début en 2 coups ( alors qu’il te tabaissait en 2 coups ), ceuillir des fleurs pour un remède, s’infiltrer dans un monastère, étrangler un… et j’ai arrêté le jeu.

Il va falloir que je regarde la fin :thinking:

1 « J'aime »

Idem, je l’ai laissé en plan et c’est dommage, il est vraiment cool ce jeu. Il faudra que je le termine un jour.
Juste déçu par les combats, alors certes t’es pas censé te battre à 1v3, mais les duels sont chauds, l’adversaire pare quasiment tout, il n’y a que la parade-contre qui fonctionne et est OP justement.
Par contre c’est le monde ouvert le plus réaliste que j’ai vu jusque là je crois, on a pas une falaise à côté d’un désert qui borde une montagne enneigée. Ou le genre de parc d’attraction présenté par Fallout 4 avec un point d’intérêt tous les 100m.

2 « J'aime »

Moi aussi je l’ai laissé en plan (au monastère).
Il paraît que la masse c’est bien plus simple que l’épée, faudrait que j’essaye.

1 « J'aime »

Je suis allé plus loin pour ma part. J’ai dû passer à la masse je crois, c’est effectivement plus efficace contre les ennemis en armure, et on en croise de plus en plus. Il y a un effet de stun aussi je crois.

1 « J'aime »

Je l’ai terminé, DLC inclus (A woman’s lot est absolument fantastique). Certainement mon expérience la plus immersive et intense en terme de jeu vidéo.
Je comprends les critiques, notre Henry est en effet au début un être peu/pas doué du tout pour crocheter des serrures et se battre. Il n’est pas discret du tout, maladroit, zéro charisme. Ce qui fait que la courbe d’apprentissage peut sembler longue, très longue.
Mais une fois qu’il a suffisamment d’expérience…
La difficulté du jeu est pour moi un de ses points forts, tout comme son réalisme. Votre personnage qui n’a plus ses moyens car il a faim ou est ivre mort, ça apporte un sacré plus.

8 « J'aime »

I am happy ! Je vous partage ma joie ! Y a plus qu’à !!

1 « J'aime »

Zut j’ai faux ! j’ai répondu trop vite sur facebook avant de venir voir cwowd !
Le logo en haut à gauche kd m’a fait penser à King’s Dilemma… et donc à leur prochain jeux !

  • l’illustration qui ressemble au style… mais c’est vrai que maintenant je fait le lien :slight_smile:

hâte d’avoir ton retour !

1 « J'aime »

On verra ce que ça donne !

NOuvelle update de pre-campagne…

Update #7 - 7 Days till launch, claim your free gift now! Plus a new episode of Going Medieval ⚔️

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A new character joins the party! Who is it? At last, we undrape the secret follower gift! We also check out one round of the game in less than five minutes.


Boardcubator is back with Going Medieval number five! This time, we’ll walk you through one round of Kingdom Come: Deliverance – The Board Game. You’ll see how the game flows typically, how players interact with each other, the environment & its inhabitants, and how your choices can have long-lasting effects on gameplay and the story. No time to waste—saddle up!

  • New Character Joins the Fray! – The follower gift is unleashed–check out the new character!

  • One Round of Kingdom Come – Let’s take a look at one game round—this time in our office!

New Character Joins the Fray!

Adventurers, rejoice! At last, the Follower Gift has been unlocked!

Our band of four intrepid adventurers–which you might have already seen on the cover of the campaign page–is being joined by a fifth brave soul. In the base game, you’ll find Novice Jarmila, Jan the Inquisitor, Commoner Záhora, and Mikul. The extra additional character is Merchant Slíva. Slíva is a gifted speaker and good at keeping people where he wants them. His anecdotes are a great distraction tool and he doesn’t refrain from using his faithful wooden club once he runs out of jokes. He is not very good at covert operations, however, he can fit well into all sorts of environments and situations—and leave at the right moment. As he would say „Everything has a price these days—even God’s grace.

If you received this update–the good news is you receive Slíva for free! Everyone who follows the campaign before it launches on September 12 at 6 pm CEST will receive this fifth playable character along with their pledge during the campaign. So share it around amongst the townsfolk so that everybody can get in on the free-gift action! Afterwards, Slíva will be available as an add-on during the campaign.

One Round of Kingdom Come

Now, let’s dive into the latest episode of Going Medieval! Since we are a bit closer to the launch of the campaign, the upcoming episodes are going to be short, each one focusing on one aspect of the game. This time we are joined by a local board game enthusiast Simon (whom I’ve met a couple of years ago during a local Blood Rage tournament) as Tobi was unable to come to our dungeon on this occasion.

So let’s not waste any more time–here is one round Kingdom Come in five minutes!

The Round

Every round of Kingdom Come consists of 2 phases. These are the player turn and the player refresh. Players can freely choose in what order they are going to perform their actions. They can freely decide to pass all their Actions during the whole round, or spend Action Points to execute them.

All available actions happen during the player turn phase. Player refresh is initiated at will—but most likely once all the players in the group run out of Action points.

During the player refresh phase, players refresh all their Stamina and Action points to get them ready for the next player turn. Bear in mind that player refresh is kind of like NPC refresh as well. The NPCs (including the ones after you) get their stamina refreshed the same as you, which renews their strength.

The Actions

There’s a variety of actions available to players as they progress through the game. Each one of them costs an Action point to perform so choose wisely :slight_smile:

At the core is the Movement action. You can move to nearby (adjacent) tiles–or even further! Each extra tile costs you one additional point of Stamina. Thus the distance you can move by is limited by your Stamina and Action points every round. Be careful where you go though! You’ll get stopped if you encounter any Guard on the way–no running near Guards!

Throughout the game, you’ll come across countless Interaction tokens placed on the map. These tokens mark a possible interaction with the environment, such as kicking down doors (or pick locking perhaps), examining the stable, picking up herbs for brewing healing remedies, going through a crate, and much more. The Interaction tokens are connected to Attributes–you might get tested on your abilities.

You can also Interact with NPCs—be it the guards or regular townsfolk. You can chat, bribe, enquire, threaten—fight, even! However, the game tracks your steps, and your preference for punching information out of people might affect their hostility towards you.

Last but not least, there’s the Assist action. This allows you to help out your buddies in need with a brawl or, say, moving an ox-drawn wagon stuck in the mud. Put more technically, you allow your friends to reroll their dice. We’ll talk about this one more once we get to explaining the dice checks.

Moreover, you can also learn some other Actions–such as silently backstabbing people, or brewing your own potions. We’ll keep these for the level-up mechanism update though.

The (Other) Actions

Outside of the main actions, there are plenty of others you can make use of that do not cost any Action points. You can offer objects in your inventory to your fellow players; save an Action for the next round; or become stealthy to move through the map without raising attention.

You’ll also be able to progress via Character Advancement–you’ll gain new Perk Points based on what you do in the world! The next update will cover this in depth.

Making the Right Choice

The world of Kingdom Come is historically accurate—meaning quite ruthless, with often a very blurry line between right and wrong. You’ll find yourself at many moral crossroads while playing, and the full consequences of some choices might not be obvious until later in the game.

Quests you can take on often have several possible outcomes; and the living world of the game remembers and responds to your behaviour. The game does not lead you to choices, but rather consistently puts you at crossroads.

You’ll be able to complete Main Quests and Side Quests and it is up to you how you progress. A scenario can have more than one main quest, and all of them lead to somehow completing the Scenario–uncover all the possibilities or follow the first one you find!


Kingdom Come is enjoyed best when you make full use of its cooperative aspects. Its world is cold-blooded, and just the right amount of heartwarming camaraderie might get you through it alive. Consult which paths to explore, and combat enemies in groups.

Speaking of Combat, NPCs cooperate too, so watch out! If they see your combat with an allied character, they won’t refrain from getting involved.

And that’s it, folks! Mere 7 days left until the campaign starts, so feel free to share it amongst your friends so that they gain the free fifth character too!

As usual, don’t forget to let us know if you have any questions in the comments below. Join our Discord or Facebook community (or both) to stay up to date and get the tastiest bits before everyone else. Next time we’ll be sharing with you the campaign video (you can see a few sneak peeks in the photos in this update)!

As always, thanks for following, asking questions & supporting us in doing what we love.

Update 8

J’ai recu le proto, je vous fais des photos ce soir si je me dépêche ! Agreablement surpris par les figs d’ailleurs !

1 « J'aime »

18 « J'aime »

Hâte d’en savoir plus sur celui-là :star_struck:

1 « J'aime »

Je surkiffe !!! Les poses sont super belles.

1ere partie ce soir !

Retour très rapide à chaud :

  • application ultra présente. Pas forcément un mal mais a prendre en compte. Pourquoi ne pas en faire un JV ? Ba il existe déjà !
  • narration/immersion forte. Gros travail de ce côté là (des quêtes principales, secondaires, événements aléatoires, son, dialogue enregistré…)
  • bcp de texte donc si pas de VF et pas à l’aise en VO ça sera compliqué
  • le monde vit et il vit selon nos choix. Pas une vie scriptée aléatoire Tres bien géré par l’appli
  • agréablement surpris par les figs
  • énorme courbe d’évolution des perso. Comme dans le JV on commence en bas et pas très fort
  • règles simples (en même temps l’appli nous guide énormément)
  • un peu d’aleatoire (dès), maîtrisable en partie (relance)
  • scénario d’introduction et deja bcp de quêtes dispo (pples ou secondaires) donc des choix à faire. Impossible de tout faire

20 « J'aime »

Merci pour le retour.

Ah mince. :expressionless:

2 « J'aime »

Juste un élément a clarifier pour moi ;

C’est du coop ? Ou du compétitif a la destinies ?

Zut. Je savais même pas qu’il y avait une appli.

Dommage Éliannnne !

2 « J'aime »

Coop !

Merci pour ton retour ! On est quand même très proche d’un Destinies, non ? Ou il y a de vraies différences ?

1 « J'aime »