En fait j’ai été voir, alors ok c’est pas la sculpture… c’est bien le résultat qui est pourri, et les autres c’est pire que celle la, y’a aucune arrête franche, les sculpt sont « ok passons » et les figs ont un petit « effet chalumeau » à la projet élite…
C’est correct moi perso je sais que c’est le minimum que j’en attendrais (pour l’injection,je trouve pas mal de sculpt pas terribles j’avais pas souvenir de ça…), mais c’est pas au niveau actuel c’est clair…
As you all know we are doing plastic miniatures for the board game for the first time, and as we are working with all of you on this project we inform you about everything that is going on. Those pictures is what we have received from the factory as first miniatures after tooling and we wanted to share that with you. We understand that there are some minis that look bad, on the other hand there are many that look good, but for sure we will work on this quality issue and we will push for the best quality available.
We are miniatures company and we are good in design and resin casting but if we wanted to include resin minis for the game it would cost three times more that is costs. We met many companies at Essen and discussed Lobotomy production and choose one that offered the best miniatures quality based on samples that they had with them on the spot.
You may remember update with 3d prints of the minis (I will add some pictures later). In our opinion they look great. They were optimised for plastic injection and they may be a little different than those shown in the campaign but I believe that you were happy with that quality. We were assured by the factory that quality from those will be kept in final plastic models. I already adressed that issue and asked for better pictures. I wrote that it is not what we were promised and that we and you (our backers) are not happy with that and we wont accept that quality. We are going to fight as hard as we can to get the best minis possible for our game as it is in our best interest.
We understand your frustration and that you are not happy with those pictures and it is important for us. We need you to comment on that as it is what we need to work on this product and although it hurts a bit to read that mean things on us we are in this together and we wont stop untill you will be happy with the result.
As soon as we have news we will post another update.
Même s’il y a possibilité que tout ce beau discours soit de la flute, jolie réactivité en tout cas. Mais bon, le côté « nous non plus ne sommes pas contents, on a déjà fait réclamation… » mais pourquoi diable alors avez-vous posté l’update précédente avec tant de certitude sur le fait que ce serait le produit final ?
A suivre…
I (Romek) am in charge of production and as I have received those pictures I forwarded them to Daniel who is making updates etc. I made a mistake not describing exactly what it is and Daniel assumed that if that is what we received after tooling then it is a final product. I think that if we would not give any negative feedback to the factory it would ended with this minis but it is not the case as both we and our backers are not happy with the result. It is not a big mistake it is just the fact that different people are in charge of different things and do not have full info about everything.
c'est presque du Santa Barbara : Georges n'a pas dit à Stacy que John a dit que....
Je comprends pas pourquoi c’est si dur de dire « Ok, on a fait une boulette, mais puisque vous hurlez tous à la décapitation, on va essayer de faire quelque chose de mieux ». C’est quand même moins décrédibilisant. Parce que bon, si le bonhomme sait transférer un email avec des photos, nul doute qu’il doit également savoir éditer / rajouter 2 phrases dans le corps du message.
Ils prennent vraiment les gens pour des lapins de 6 semaines…
Je viens de voir ça dans les commentaires de la campagne :
Wrobbel Il y a environ 4 heures : Wow just got confirmation via mail that I can pick up base game + addon at Spiel in Essen. Nice one. Now I am even more excited.
Semblerait que la production soit donc en bon chemin, et que peut-être que le jeu sera livré bientôt, ou dans les *quasi* délais annoncés (? aucune idée hein, c’est juste une déduction vaseuse d’inspecteur gadget…)
La question est de savoir si c’est aussi pris dans la shipping crisis du moment…
J’adore cette idée, se dire que si cela se trouve plein de KS passe (the others) ou devait passer via cette société… À part Cmon personne ne s’est trop avancé sur le terrain de l’info. Allons nous découvrir cela plus tard?
mais oui la dernière date annoncée etait Essen puis aux backers dans la foulée (début novembre). Pas de nouvelles, bonnes nouvelles :mrgreen:
Dernier update, en gros ils nous demandent de faire la trad parce que la boite qui devait le faire a fait de la merde. Mouais…
Hi guys,
We are at this point of fulfillment where we cannot do much to speed things out. Last month was filled with ton of paperwork, permits, shipping, phonecalls, bad news, good news, assebly confirmations, add-ons, customs preparation etc. The production is done. Shipping is in progress and we will finaly have product in our hands at the Spiel. At least it is what we hope for if nothing goes wrong from this point. When we have it we will make a proper pictures and show it to you in the next update because pictures that we received from the factory do not show any details of components.
As for the translation. We were screwed by translation company. We were told that it was done by a native speaker and we paid a good money for it so we were sure that it will be flawless. It is not so we will take steps to fix that. We want to do that with you guys so it should look like this. First we will prepare the manual to the form where it will be easy to edit. We will upload it and ask all of you to make corrections and translations into different languages. We will post PDFs with fixed rules for final insight and when you approve it we will print a number of copies and send to those backers that will want a fixed printed copy. It will cost us a lot of money so we hope that for at least a part of you current manual will be enough but we are prepared to give you replacements.
It is our first campaign of such size and we made a lot of mistakes. It cost us a lot but we managed to fix most of things with one exception (that slotted bases will bring me nightmares for the rest of my life). When we fix that translation problem I believe that we will have a really good quality product and what can be even more important - an awesome game.
Last thing is Vengence Kickstarter. We promise you that except of suggestion and comments from our end whole KS is run by guys from Mighty Boards. Slawek, who made all sculpts for Lobotomy, made those for Vengence as well. He is our artist and he started making them long after all sculpts for Lobotomy were confirmed and accepted by the factory. In short for the last weeks I was 100% dedicated to Lobotomy. So please do not treat it as a another campaing from Titan Forge. Gordon made an awesome job on his product and it would be unfair for him and you to miss it just because you are unhappy with this campaign. They are less that 24h from the end so you still have time to back them!
We have a really bad news for those of you that were supposed to pickup the game at Essen. Our cargo is stuck in Pekin and despite that it was supposed to be shipped to us on Oct. 3rd it is still waiting for a place in the plane. I was told that cargo is on the plane and it lands on Oct. 8th in Warsaw a few days ago but yesterday I received an e-mail that is actually landing in Pekin and not Warsaw and needs to wait for its turn. It is all because there were some bullsh&t holidays in China and the airlines are overbooked.
We tried everything, asking, threatening, offering that we will pay more but nothing could be done. Please believe me that I spend hours on the phone trying to push something. I hit the wall each time. At this point games should land in Warsaw on Oct. 14th. We will have a car waiting to pick them up and drive them directly to Essen so we have it for Saturday and Sunday. Only problem is that we are not 100% sure that customs office will release it on the spot. We did and will do everything that is possible untill that Friday to make that clearance process as quick as it can be. Along with that big shipping we have a small shipping of 5 copies of Lobotomy taking place right now.
They should not hit the customs and they were send with the quickest delivery option possible. We hope that if they fail to clear that big shipping we will have at least that 5 copies to show to our backers on Saturday and Sunday. I really dont know what to say in this situation. I know that we will dissapoint a lot of ppl that were keen on picking their boxes in Essen if we fail to clear it. I know that many of you guys are waiting for those copies to be received by other backers and reviewed and lets hope that we will have them on Saturday to give but If we wont, we will dispatch at least a few copies to backers from Europe, that will declare readiness to make those reviews, as soon as we get back from Essen and we have this shipping cleared.
At the end we have some info about manual. We start working with backers on « Manual 2.0 ». We will try make it as good as it can be, and we will post it as soon as possible.