Je poste ici des infos sur les changements apportés à cette version de Pax Ren :
First and foremost, this is a deluxe edition, with a bigger box, folding map, chess pieces, upgraded tokens including Florin coins, and an iconography and layout overhaul on the Map and Tableau Cards. Pirate ships are now punchouts. Instead of player cards, large placards are substituted instead. And new cover art has been commissioned.
Furthermore, all the expansion and BGG promo cards are included. Furthermore, 11 new cards are designed, and will be included if its stretch goal is met. That’s 76 extra cards altogether.
A folding-mounted Map (570 x 616mm) is integrated into the game, with slots for the Map Cards, Victory Cards, East and West Markets and Draw Decks, China, and new Empire Cards. Empires, including kingdoms and republics, are now represented by squares placed adjacent to their Map Card, so players can instantly see which kings are still unaligned. This allows repressed peasants, knights, and nobles to be imprisoned in unaligned kingdoms.
The Third State. In the 1st edition, each Empire had only two possible religious states. In the 2nd edition, this has been expanded to include a third state. For instance, previously it was impossible for Sir Thomas More to launch a crusade in England to reclaim it from the Reformation, simply because England had only 2 possible states: medieval and Reformation. The 3rd edition introduces a 3rd state: a English Catholic Theocracy.
Apostasy has been integrated and expanded, with 11 new apostasy one-shots. This makes it much more dangerous to make deals with multiple religions.
Special Rules for polymaths (like Leonardo), Dalmations (sea-farers with immunity from pirates and religious wars), and Condottiere (including one extra). A Reformation religious victory is more likely, with Reformation Theocracies possible in all 10 empires, and new types of Reformation able to be enacted by the Bashi-bazouk and the Black Army.
Bon, pas de pièces métalliques à priori, mais une version qui regroupe l’extension, les promos et une poignée de nouvelles cartes. On aura un plateau aussi, plutôt qu’une map composée de plusieurs cartes qui se balladent.
Pour le reste ce sont surtout des réajustements de gameplay sur lesquels j’aurais du mal à me prononcer si ce n’est en poussant de petits gloussements d’excitation.