Rogue Angels est le nouveau jeu des Danois de Sun Tzu Games emmené par son créateur Emil Larson. Il s’agit d’un dungeon crawler SF axé sur les choix des personnages et une forte narration avec des chemins multiples, des combats tactiques ainsi qu’une gestion de l’action avec des capacités asymétriques. Dans l’univers de Burning Suns, il faudra devenir un héros pour aider à sauver la galaxie en faisant des choix importants pour nos personnages. La campagne KS est prévu pour le 1er février 2022.
Voilà ce qu'en dit le créateur sur BGG
Rogue Angels is a character-driven solo or co-op Sci-Fi adventure for 1-4 players. The game blends engaging narrative with impactful choices leading to multiple paths through various missions and personal journeys.
Rogue Angels merges tactical combat with fluent turns and action management with asymmetric abilities, where you fight behavior-driven enemies through combined card and dice play.
Throughout your journey the decisions you make will permanently shape your character’s personality and their relationship with other individuals, opening and closing possible paths along the way.
Rogue Angels offers individual difficulty settings allowing players an experience best suited for their level.
Set in the Burning Suns universe, you will be travelling a diverse galaxy with various factions all vying for their way of life. You get the opportunity to become a hero, shield civilians from conflicts, defend your spaceship from boarding enemies, and help save the galaxy.
But be careful, as your team will be tested in numerous scenarios and face difficult choices in and outside of combat, and you will not be offered a second chance.
As a leader you must be willing to sacrifice everything and your legacy to bring peace to the many species of the Burning Suns.
Pledges : Core box (87€) / Core box + Livres (109€)
Frais de port : 15€ / 18,75€.
TVA : en sus, facturée lors du Pledge Manager.
La page KS :
Autres liens : BGG - Tabletop Simulator - 1ere tentative sur KS