Description : Il s’agit de d’un PG 10-PACK,les groupes doivent donc être des multiples de 10 ! on complétera avec les MR qui pour le moment ne sont pas rentables mais peuvent permettre de faire baisser les prix en fonction du nombre. Je négocie encore genre le 2 waves au prix de 1 wave, etc
5th Hero Inclu !
Le poids d’un pledge est estimé a 10 kg je vous laisse calculer les tarifs MR.
Cela inclu tous les SG.
Les personnes qui recevront le colis du groupe ont leur pseudo surligné de la couleur correspondante. N’hésitez pas à les contacter en MP.
Prix sur KS fdpin : 92,00 £ ou 136,00 £ pour le pledge excalibur
Prix en groupé fdpin : 72.90 £ ou 107.00 £ pour le pledge excalibur
Plus de allin gameplay a 155 au lieu de 187 et le collector a 244 au lieu de 289
Nombre de boites du PG: no limit !!! faut que ça soit des multiple de 10.
Aucune idée, je sais juste que sur la FAQ il est indiqué :
Are there going to be group/retailer pledges?
Yes, we are going to add them in next few days, we are now only waiting for best shipping quotes ;)!
Here are some answers regarding retailers pledges: We will be offering soon retailer/group pledges for 6 copies of Corebox / Excalibur with 10% discount. We are still trying to get best shipping offer on those and will have them in few days. So you also will have to wait for official info who will be our fulfilment partner in shipping for retail/group pledges.
We do not require any kind of additional documents or licenses, we are aware that it means some people will use it as group pledges. We apologize if it causes any kind of inconvenience for retailers. If you are from EU and want a VAT refund you will have to send us a valid VAT number. If you are outside of EU we use the VAT difference to cover some or all of shipping costs that’s why some countries have free shipping for retailers pledges. So we can’t refund VAT outside of EU as it is used to make shipping cheaper. We can’t offer any further shipping discounts on orders of more than 1x retailers pledge. We offer only discount on full bundles of retailer pledges so 1x6 ,2x6 3x6 etc. If you are a 24h backer you get 1 free 24h heroe to each core box in retailers pledge, you can even add more boxes later and you will still have one per box as long as you were 24h backer. (even if you backed only for 1 gbp in first 24)
We do not offer any retailers discounts on addons.
You can’t mix different languages or sundrop within single retailer’s bundle (6 copies). So there can be only one language per bundle and either all have to upgrade with sundrop addon or none. You can however take any number of addons (other than sundrop). We offer additional 5% discount on orders of 10x retailer pledge and above or over 60 core boxes, that will be refunded after KS to all backers that qualify. For orders over 60 copies or 10x retailers we allow to pick any combination of pledge/languages/sundrop addons.
We are sorry but we can’t give any more discount on KS versions as they usually are at least 2 times bigger than retail coreboxes. If you want bigger discounts you can get later a retail version of coreboxes but they will not have any of free KS content.
Je vois qu’on est déjà 3 personnes de Gironde (dont un qui s’est greffé sur Toulouse). Si jamais il y a plus de girondin ou alors des MR je veux bien prendre un hub sur cette zone. Sinon je verrais avec Toulouse.
[quote quote=404390]Je vois qu’on est déjà 3 personnes de Gironde (dont un qui s’est greffé sur Toulouse). Si jamais il y a plus de girondin ou alors des MR je veux bien prendre un hub sur cette zone. Sinon je verrais avec Toulouse.
Moi j’suis à 1h30 au Nord de Bordeaux (Royan), donc si ça peut aider, why not?
Me suis inscrit aussi en « mondial relay » au cas où / pour faire monter le compteur, mais en l’état des tarifs je resterai sans doute sur un pledge individuel.
[quote quote=404331]Aucune idée, je sais juste que sur la FAQ il est indiqué :
Are there going to be group/retailer pledges?
Yes, we are going to add them in next few days, we are now only waiting for best shipping quotes ;)!
Here are some answers regarding retailers pledges:
We will be offering soon retailer/group pledges for 6 copies of Corebox / Excalibur with 10% discount.
We are still trying to get best shipping offer on those and will have them in few days. So you also will have to wait for official info who will be our fulfilment partner in shipping for retail/group pledges.
We do not require any kind of additional documents or licenses, we are aware that it means some people will use it as group pledges. We apologize if it causes any kind of inconvenience for retailers.
If you are from EU and want a VAT refund you will have to send us a valid VAT number.
If you are outside of EU we use the VAT difference to cover some or all of shipping costs that’s why some countries have free shipping for retailers pledges. So we can’t refund VAT outside of EU as it is used to make shipping cheaper.
We can’t offer any further shipping discounts on orders of more than 1x retailers pledge.
We offer only discount on full bundles of retailer pledges so 1×6 ,2×6 3×6 etc.
If you are a 24h backer you get 1 free 24h heroe to each core box in retailers pledge, you can even add more boxes later and you will still have one per box as long as you were 24h backer. (even if you backed only for 1 gbp in first 24)
We do not offer any retailers discounts on addons.
You can’t mix different languages or sundrop within single retailer’s bundle (6 copies). So there can be only one language per bundle and either all have to upgrade with sundrop addon or none.
You can however take any number of addons (other than sundrop).
We offer additional 5% discount on orders of 10x retailer pledge and above or over 60 core boxes, that will be refunded after KS to all backers that qualify. For orders over 60 copies or 10x retailers we allow to pick any combination of pledge/languages/sundrop addons.
We are sorry but we can’t give any more discount on KS versions as they usually are at least 2 times bigger than retail coreboxes. If you want bigger discounts you can get later a retail version of coreboxes but they will not have any of free KS content.
Ok donc le prix du PG devrait baisser j'espère car là ils parlent de 15% et on n'y est pas. En l'état actuel des choses, il vaut mieux se prendre un pledge 6 boîtes ça revient moins cher et ça fait des plus petits groupes :)
avant fdpin le pledge standard est à 70£
70£ -15% = 59,5£
si on ajoute les fdp 59,5£ + 25£ (le prix en 2 Waves) = 84,5£ ce qui n'est pas loin du 85,90£
même raisonnement pour excalibur et on obtient 93.5£ + 28£ = 121.5£, le PG devrait donc effectivement pouvoir descendre un peu si on suit ce calcul.