Twilight Imperium 4ème Edition - de D. Beltrami, C. Konieczka et C. Petersen - par Fantasy Flight Games

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La quintessence (ou ce qui s’en rapproche le plus) du 4X ! Si vous n’y avez jamais joué, vous avez raté votre vie :wink:

Changements par rapport à la 3ème édition

Les changements ci-dessous, pas grand chose au final hélas, si ce n’est que cette version inclue les extensions et un redesign graphique bienvenu. Je vois pas les distant suns en revanche, espérons qu’ils soient toujours présents autrement. Et une VF cette fois est une probabilité non nulle vu que Asmodée rules désormais.

A Galaxy of Change

Twilight Imperium commands an imposing legacy unlike any other game out there. For twenty years, this venerable strategy board game that casts players as the authors of their own epic, spacefaring saga has seen three full editions and several expansions, each of which has changed the thrilling gameplay and vibrant universe of Twilight Imperium. Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition sees several changes from previous editions in order to push the game forward into the dawn of a new age. These changes include but are not limited to:

Trade - Trade contracts do not exist in Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition. Instead, commodities are traded between factions who have ships in adjacent systems. Every time the trade strategy card is used, its primary ability allows a faction to “refresh” their commodities. Then, that faction may choose to let any other factions refresh their commodities for free. Other factions may then use trade’s secondary ability to spend a token from their strategy pool to refresh their commodities. Commodities do nothing on their own, but become traditional trade goods when given to another faction.

Technology - Twilight Imperium Third Edition featured elaborate tech trees as a pathway to powerful technologies. The process of researching technology has been streamlined, as there are no longer specific technologies that are prerequisites for other advancements in Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition. Instead, certain types of technology are used as prerequisites—a new tech may require three Biotic Technologies, or two Warfare and a Cybernetic Technology, making prerequisites easy to track.

PDS Units and Space Docks - Previously, PDS units and Space Docks were constructed like any other unit, requiring a resource cost and an activation token to place on a planet. Now, PDS Units and Space Docks are created with the Construction strategy card, which allows a player to place either two PDS units on planets you control, or a PDS and a Space Dock on planets you control. The secondary ability allows a player to spend a token from their strategy pool to place a PDS or Space Dock on one of their planets.

Politics - Previously, in Third Edition, the politics phase began with the primary ability of the Politics strategy card. Now the agenda phase occurs at the end of every round after Mecatol Rex has been claimed. Players get to refresh all their planets for the agenda phase, meaning they don’t have to split their planets for use between resources and influence. Like Third Edition, agenda cards are used to pass new laws in the galaxy, flipped from the top of the deck. After one law is voted on, a second card is flipped and another round of voting occurs. Planets are refreshed again after the agenda phase ends.

Imperial Strategy Card - Previously, the Imperial strategy card’s primary ability allowed for the user to receive two victory points. Now, the card’s primary ability allows a player to receive one victory point if they control Mecatol Rex or receive an additional Secret Objective. This Imperial strategy card is more flexible but still provides a pacing element, and can be used as a powerful tool if selected at the right time.

Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition includes many components first introduced in expansions for the Third Edition of the game. Flagships, promissory notes, factions, strategy cards, special galaxy tiles, and more return in Fourth Edition.

Autres liens : Présentation de la 4ème édition par FFG (en anglais) - Setup auto

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yep, j’ai vu. Et déjà fait une croix sur 150 boules même si j’avais fini par vendre mon TI3 faute de pouvoir y jouer. Mais je sais que je ne pourrai pas résister…

C’est beau une telle force de caractère. Ça impose le respect. :wink:





Et sans plaisanter, c’est bien aussi de connaître ses faiblesses :wink:

Une partie 10h, ça fait du 15€ de l’heure… :wink:

à 8 joueurs, moins de 2€ par personne…


Reste à trouver 8 personnes capables de jouer 8+ heures… bonne chance passé 40 ans :frowning:

Le genre de truc à faire passer Diplomacy pour un petit filer d’apéro quoi…

Ils annoncent 3-6 joueurs pour celui là (mais 17 races disponibles de base).
Je vais essayer d’être fort, je n’ai plus du tout les joueurs disponibles pour un truc comme ça.
J’achèterais la v5 quand mes gamins seront grands.

Les versions allemande et espagnole ont déjà été annoncées donc la vf me parait maintenant une certitude.

Tu comptes pas jouer? :grin:

Ou vous avez gagnés 10h de votre vie :slight_smile: Non sérieux ça tu vois c’est trop gros pour moi c’est sur :slight_smile:

Les règles sont dispo, ils les ont splitté en deux livrets comme ils font maintenant:

Il vient d’être annoncé sur FFG France pour les amateurs :

Je lis les rules et je suis définitivement pas fan de leur nouvelle façon de splitter les rules. En matant la sheet des SOL ils ont déjà modifié des trucs de mémoire.

Bien cool pour la VF, ne pas craquer risque d’être difficile…

sans moi trop gros … insortable.